1.Leap Frog - Letter Factory 跳跳蛙之字母制造厂
2.Leap Frog - Math Circus 跳跳蛙之数学马戏团
3.Leap Frog - Learn to Read at Storybook Factory 跳跳蛙之故事书制造厂
4.Leap Frog - Talking Words Factory 跳跳蛙之单字制造厂
5.Leap Frog - Talking Words Factory 2 - Code Word Caper 跳跳蛙之单字制造厂2
6.Leap Frog - Let's Go To School 让我们上学校
7.Leap Frog - A Tad of Christmas Cheer 愉快圣诞节的礼物
8.Leap Frog - Math Adventure to the Moon 2010年最新
9.Leap Frog - Sing-Along Read-Along-上集
10.Leap Frog - Sing-Along Read-Along-下集
11.Leap Frog - Numbers Ahoy (2011年最新出品)
12.LeapFrog - The Amazing Alphabet Amusement Park (2011年最新出品)
13.LeapFrog - Phonics Farm(2011年最新!)
跳跳蛙的单字制造厂2 是一个组合单字的大冒险! 这次小跳跳蛙们要学习三种不同的复合字的规则哦..包括了沈默的E,复合子音,和复合母音.
糟了!韦斯利先生不小心掉进沈默E的 机器而丧失了他的声音. 怎么瓣呢? 小跳跳蛙立普和莉莉还有泰德必须从每个复合单字机把密码解出来才能恢复韦斯利先生的声音. "库格立博士模拧机"会在你开口求救时出来帮忙并提示.从沈默E的 机器学会当字尾是沈默E的发音规则并解出密码1; 在复合子音机里运用双子音组成一个新的发音的规则来解出第二个密码.最后是从对讲机5000里学习双母音字的规则而解出最后一个密码.喔耶!韦斯利先生又有声音了. 在这里孩子们将学会几个建立复合字的基本规则. 在游戏和幽默的歌曲里轻松而娱快的学会进一步的组合字的规则. 适合年龄3-6 .大约30 分钟.
好笑的歌及一台失去控制的单字制造机让这个录影带更加好玩.. 单字制造工厂里包括了母音. 字音.字的组合. 字的结构.押韵和字汇.
当你的孩子已经认识了26个字母和26个字母的发音以后..组合字就会成为一个好玩又重要的经验..在这个录影带里..三只小跳跳蛙, 立普,莉莉和泰德跟这库格立博士参观了单字制造工厂里的单字制造机们怎么把字母做成单字.. 泰德很快的发现了母音像胶水一樣会把其他的字母黏在一起变成一个单字..然后他们学到了怎么用个别的字母音去组合一个三字母的单字…怎么用相同的结尾音去组合押韵字…然后在押韵字里加入混合字母去组成更长的押韵字.. 可爱又亲切的跳跳蛙们..彩色的动画..及许多的歌让这个录影带把练习拼音..字汇的建立..和押韵的学习上变得有趣又好玩了..
三只小跳跳蛙立普,莉莉和泰德想要学怎么数数儿..于是他们和库格立博士一起去数学马戏团…一开始.. 库格立博士唱了首数数歌..在一边唱歌一边数数里学到了怎么从数字1数到10…然后..随着数字们在马戏团里的跳床..高空秋千和大炮等的马戏表演下轻松的传导了加减的观念和练习..整个录影带在相当轻快的节奏里以唱歌和游戏的方式说明了基本的数字和加减的概念..
1.Leap Frog - Letter Factory
In this entertaining installment from the hugely popular LeapFrog educational series, Professor Quigley, Leap, Lily and Tad arrive at the magical Letter Factory, where jumbles of sounds are miraculously shaped into letters. Aimed at children aged 2-5, "Letter Factory" teaches letters, phonics and listening skills.
2.Leap Frog - Math Circus
The popular LeapFrog educational series teaches early learning fundamentals to
preschool children in a fun and friendly cartoon format. In this volume, an
animated frog family -- Leap, Lily and Tad -- demonstrates mathematical concepts
such as counting, addition and subtraction while performing gravity-defying
circus acts. Who would have thought math could be this much fun?
3.Leap Frog - Learn to Read at Storybook Factory
Deep inside the Storybook Factory -- where pictures, words and imagination bring
stories to life -- Tad, Lily, Casey and Dot decide to put a few new twists on the
classic tale of "The Three Little Pigs." The result is a fun-filled adventure
that turns reading into a delightful game! Special features include sing-along
songs to help your little ones learn, complete with a string of read-along words
that run across the screen.
4.Leap Frog - Talking Words Factory
Lily and Tad take a field trip to the Talking Words Factory, where wild and wacky machines take
letters and shape them into words. Targeted at children 3-6 years old, "Talking Words Factory"
teaches vowels, consonants, word building and rhyming and helps toddlers build their
5.Leap Frog - Talking Words Factory 2
instructs preschoolers in early learning fundamentals via a fun and unprepossessing cartoon
format. This video finds the animated frog family of Leap, Lily and Tad demonstrating word-
building skills (for which they have a definite knack) in a crime caper mystery spiced with the
usual musical interludes.
6.Leap Frog - Let's go to school
School starts tomorrow, and Tad and Lily are nervous! Join Tad, Lily and their magical firefly Edison as he gives them a tour of the classroom and shows them that the classroom is more nervous than they are! As the twins reassure the blocks, globe, clock and more talking "teachers,” they learn key lessons about phonics, counting, days of the week and animals.
7.Leap Frog - A Tad of Christmas Cheer
It's Christmas Eve and everyone in the Frog Family is busy getting ready to celebrate the holidays...and the arrival of a new baby! Tad is more excited than anyone, but all of the attention is given to the new arrival. Then "a magical fairy god-bug" arrives and takes Tad on a journey through a world in which he never existed. Tad gains a new appreciation and love for everyone in his family. But will he make it home in time for Christmas?
8.Leap Frog - Math Adventure to the Moon
Join Tad and Lily as they blast off on an exciting educational adventure! Tad and Lily need the perfect collection of things to take to school for their math assignment. When they finally decide on moon rocks, there’s just one problem — how will they get them? With some magical help from their firefly friend, Edison, they board a rocket ship to start their quest. Soon the twins learn that math is everywhere, even in outer space! Watch as they use their skills in counting, sorting, skip counting and recognizing patterns to overcome obstacles, find new friends and make the trip back to Earth!
9.LeapFrog - Sing-Along Read-Along
Ready to add a fun twist to reading time? You can motivate little ones to read on their own with 12 engaging music videos on DVD and matching books. Each music video brings a story to life through lively animation, songs and words on-screen; and the 12 matching storybooks reinforce the learning experience. Books are great for take-along fun, too.
Navigate number skills on a pirate adventure with Tad, Lily, and Scout! Tad and Lily need a little number sense to help them get through a complicated game, so their magical firefly friend, Edison, takes them on a fantastical journey under the sea! When their cute puppy pal, Scout, is mistakenly captured by a pirate, they must use their new understanding of numbers, counting, and estimation to rescue him. Join them as they navigate the deep and face foes such as sharks and crab henchmen—even Pirate Pythagoras himself—and begin to see numbers in a whole new way!
Region:Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only.Read more aboutDVD formats.)
Aspect Ratio:1.33:1
Number of discs:1
Rated:NR (Not Rated)
Studio:Lions Gate
DVD Release Date:January 18, 2011
Run Time:39 minutes
Format: Animated, Color, Dolby, DVD, Full Screen, NTSC
Language: English
Number of discs: 1
Studio: Lions Gate
DVD Release Date: July 19, 2011
Run Time: 32 minutes
Discover reading fun with 12 sing-along stories starring the Us band! Let reading take center stage with Al, Og, Meg, Izzy and Gus! Sing, laugh and learn about vowels with these animated tales Us - and you!
Format: Animated, Color, Dolby, DVD, Full Screen, NTSC
Language: English
DVD Release Date: November 8, 2011
Run Time: 35 minutes
Join Scout and his friends as they learn letter sounds with the help of some amazing animals! Scout, Violet, Eli and Penny long to learn about new animals. When their magical toy car, Axle, whisks them away to a farm, they discover a remarkable alphabet collection and ABC antics ensue! As the friends get in shape with an athletic alligator, console a sad seal, converse with a high-pitched horse and more, they make their way through the entire alphabet!